Affable Business Services

Affable is your strategic partner when it comes to best-in-class accounting services. Use Affable to simplify and streamline your accounting processes. Get timely and accurate financial statements to help you make informed decisions about compliance, growth, and strategic planning.

Small business owner smiling with a customer

Financial Fitness

  • Can you quickly answer questions like: What is your earnings potential? How well are you managing your liabilities? How is your budget orchestrated to meet your business’s short and long-term needs?

  • Did you know that with Financial Fitness, your organization will be able to assess and implement the right tools for your business so you can sleep better at night?

Financial Fitness gives you a snapshot of your business and provides an assessment of the health of your business.

Business Accounting

Don’t spend hours organizing your accounting system, worrying about compliance, or wondering whether you’re taking advantage of all cost-saving opportunities. Leave it to the pros! Affable can help you with:

  • Accounts Receivable/ Accounts Payable

  • Bank Account Reconciliations 

  • Credit Card Reconciliations 

  • Financial Statements 

  • General Ledger Clean up

young colleagues smiling


  • How many hours do you spend processing payroll?

  • Are you taking advantage of all possible tax breaks and avoiding honest but costly miscalculations?

  • Are you processing payroll correctly and on time? 

Affable experts will help save you time, minimize expenses, keep you compliant, and streamline the process.

Young woman working on her taxes on a computer

Small Business Tax

Take the guesswork out of “How much?”

Your Affable expert uses a tactical approach to tax strategy, ensuring your taxes are tailored to your unique industry and situation.

Small Business Tax Specialties

  • Small business owner icon

    1099 Contractor or Sole Proprietor

    Did you know if you are self-employed or a sole proprietor, it is advisable to have an accountant ensure you meet all your obligations to help avoid any concerns down the road?

    An Affable expert will help you keep complete and accurate records, strategize, and plan for growth.

  • Amended Tax Returns icon

    Amended Tax Returns

    Amended returns can help avoid issues with the IRS and your State Department of Revenue down the road.

    Your Affable expert can help you file an amended return should you need to make corrections or take advantage of missed credits.

  • Deliquent taxes icon

    Delinquent Taxes

    Have delinquent taxes become a headache? Are they stopping you from getting ahead?

    An Affable expert will handle delinquent taxes once and for all to get you current.

  • ​Employee Retention Credit (ERC) icon

    ​Employee Retention Credit (ERC)

    The ERC is a fully refundable tax credit for employers equal to 50 percent of qualified wages (including allocable qualified health plan expenses) that eligible employers pay their employees.

    Did you know you can claim the credit retroactively up to $26,000 per employee if you’re eligible?

  • Quarterly Taxes icon

    Quarterly Taxes

    Quarterly taxes are estimated tax payments made to the IRS four times per year. Did you know there is a penalty for underpaying the estimated tax?

    An Affable expert will help you calculate and pay your estimated taxes on time.

  • Sales tax icon

    Sales Tax

    Did you know that 20% of small business cash flow constraints come from state and local tax challenges? SSometimes we focus so much on the IRS that we forget that our business has monthly and quarterly obligations to the state.

    Connect with an Affable expert to help you stop missing these obligations and maximize your savings.

  • Tax planning icon

    Tax Planning

    Did you know that strategic tax planning can save time, reduce errors, reduce tax liability, and enable growth?

    An Affable expert can help with strategic tax planning. Learn how to take the appropriate steps today to arrive at your desired tomorrow.

  • Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) icon

    Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)

    The WOTC is a federal tax credit available to employers who hire people who face employment barriers. Businesses may claim a tax credit if they employ an individual in a WOTC-targeted group. Are you leaving money on the table?

    An Affable expert will help you determine if you qualify for the credit and apply to claim the credit.
